Reimagining Singapore’s Social Sector – Resilient and Future-Ready

The COVID-19 Taskforce for Non-Profits is a ground-up initiative that seeks to support Non-Profits through pro-bono consulting projects. The group also collaborated with the National Volunteer & Philanthrophy Center (NVPC) and Lien Center for Social Innovation on a thought leadership piece, highlighting its perspectives on the future of beneficiary, donor and volunteer engagement.

The group is excited to launch the publication at its upcoming webinar, and are proud to have Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin as its Guest-of-honour to share his perspective on what makes a future-proof non-profit.

If you are interested to find out more about the social sector, or are curious as to how we can all do our part for the social sector, join today!

Date: 29 October, Thursday
Time: 1000-1200
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Register here: