Volunteers needed for Singapore Chinese Orchestra’s Young People’s Concert

Singapore Chinese Orchestra(SCO)’s annual Young People’s concert is back!

SCO is looking for volunteers to help out at its Fringe activity booths! You can be someone that likes to interact with kids or someone who is passionate about educating you kids and youths on Chinese Orchestra!

If you’ve always been curious about how Chinese Orchestra was formed, and how Chinese Orchestra can play a part in enriching the lives of young children and youths, come join now!


1. Touch tour facilitator
Required on: 9 Nov 2019; 3:15pm – 6:30pm
Number of volunteers required: 2pax per instrument station
Number of stations: 7
Instruments: Dizi; Sheng; Suona; Erhu; Drum; Pipa; Ruan

What you do:
To understand briefly about the background of the instrument they are stationed at
To facilitate and allow participants to try out the instruments as much as possible
To engage and explain the background of the instrument as participants are interacting with it
Stamp the station’s stamp on participant’s “Passport” (House programme booklet) after they have interacted with the instrument

2. Badge maker
Required on: 9 Nov 2019; 3:15pm – 6:30pm
Number of volunteers required: 3 pax

What you do:
1 person to be solely in charge of handling with the badge maker and making the badges
1 person to check that participants have collected all 7 stamps before giving out the template for participants to design
1 person to facilitate and engage participants in the designing of the badges

Date: 9 Nov 2019

Time: 3:15pm – 6:30pm

Venue: Singapore Conference Hall

Sign up through this link: https://forms.gle/7x96wrFQbLVCBson7

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to email qpchan@sco.com.sg