Volunteering Opportunity – Youth Corps Singapore, Youth Expedition Project

Youth Corps Singapore is looking for participants aged 18 to 35 years old to form YEP teams to China, Indonesia and Vietnam!

Youth Expedition Project (YEP) is a Service-Learning programme by Youth Corps Singapore for youths, involving communities in Asia with a focus on the ASEAN region, China and India. YEP aims to nurture confident and resilient youths who are active citizens with the desire to make a difference both at home and overseas. The YEP Journey is about 6 – 9 months long.

There are three key phases for every YEP, i.e. Preparation, Overseas Project and Local Project:
– Preparation project to learn more about social issues in Singapore and overseas host community;
– Overseas Project with a duration of at least 10 service-learning days (i.e. 10 calendar days to be spent on service-learning activities) to be conducted in a country in Asia, with a primary focus on the ASEAN countries, China or India; and
– Local Project that meets a local community need, with linkage to the Overseas Project to be conducted in Singapore within 3 months upon return.

YEP is also a grant which provides partial financial support for eligible youths. For more information about YEP or funding eligibility, please feel free to check out https://www.youthcorps.sg/en/initiative/#youth-expedition-project or Instagram at @yepsg or @youthcorpssg.

Click on this link to register your interest now! http://bit.ly/ycsyepreg